

Community score

-2.29 -55
Industry: Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production
Listing country: Russian Federation
Year added: 2020

Incorporated in 1993, Rosneft is a major integrated oil company with its headquarters located in Moscow, Russia. The company operates under several key business segments. The Exploration and Production segment focuses on the exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas, while the Refining and Distribution segment is responsible for processing crude oil into petroleum products and managing their distribution. Moreover, under the Marketing and Distribution segment, Rosneft retails fuels and services through an extensive network of filling stations. Operating primarily under the Rosneft brand, the company enjoys a strong presence in its home country, Russia, and extends its reach to international markets. Rosneft has established projects and interests across various regions including Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America, showcasing its global footprint in the energy sector. (Powered by AI)

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