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-2.82 -55
Industry: Chemicals
Listing country: Israel
Year added: 2018

ICL (Israel Chemicals Ltd.), incorporated in 1968, stands as a significant player in the global chemical industry with its headquarters strategically positioned in Tel Aviv, Israel. The company operates through key business segments including Industrial Products, where it supplies bromine, phosphates, and various compounds for industrial uses. Its Potash segment is notable for the production of potash, predominantly used in fertilizers. Further expanding its influence in the agriculture sector, ICL's Phosphate Solutions involves the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers, phosphoric acid, and specialized fertilizers. In the realm of agriculture, ICL's Innovative Ag Solutions segment is dedicated to the development of cutting-edge solutions that enhance both the yield and quality of crops. ICL’s commitment to innovation is also reflected in its prominent brands, such as Polysulphate, a unique fertilizer infused with sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and PeaK, a line of high-efficiency, pure potassium nitrate fertilizers. ICL's international footprint is substantial, with products and services sold across the globe. The company has a particularly strong presence in China, Brazil, the United States, India, and various European countries. This worldwide distribution is crucial to the company's operations, with a focus on catering to regions that gain the most from its diverse range of products. (Powered by AI)

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