Telesat Corp

Telesat Corp

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+0.60 -55
Industry: Telecommunication Services
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2022

Telesat Corporation was incorporated on May 2, 1969, and is headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The company operates primarily under its corporate name "Telesat" across various countries worldwide, including the Americas, parts of Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The company's business operations span several key categories. In the realm of Satellite Communications, Telesat provides services to broadcast, corporate, and government customers. The company is also involved in Satellite Technology, wherein it is responsible for the design, operation, and management of extensive satellite networks. Additionally, Telesat offers Broadband Internet Services, focusing on delivering connectivity to remote and rural regions, as well as maritime and in-flight services. With a global customer base, Telesat's advanced satellite technology and services facilitate widespread connectivity and communication. (Powered by AI)

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