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-1.83 -55
SASB Industry: Processed Foods
Listing country: Switzerland
Year added: 2022

Incorporated in 1986 and headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, the company has established itself significantly in the food industry, with a strong emphasis on various business segments that cater to diverse consumer needs. Its foremost business categories include Convenience, Meat & Sausage, Fresh Pasta, Vegetarian & Vegan, and Refined & Matured products. The company has developed and nurtured a portfolio of vital brands to bolster its market presence. These brands comprise Rapelli, Ticinella, Bündnerfleisch, Pastinella, Le Patron, Albert Spiess, Fredag, Biotta, and Casualfood, each holding a unique space in their respective categories. While Switzerland remains the primary market for its products and services, the company has also made its mark in Germany and across the rest of Europe. (Powered by AI)

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