Nippon Prologis Reit

Nippon Prologis Reit

Community score

-0.47 -55
Industry: Real Estate
Listing country: Japan
Year added: 2018

Nippon Prologis REIT, a real estate investment trust focusing on logistics facilities, was incorporated in 2012. Its headquarters are situated in Tokyo, Japan. Specializing in the real estate sector, this trust places significant emphasis on investing in industrial properties, with a primary interest in logistics facilities. As a member of the Prologis network, a global leader in logistics real estate, Nippon Prologis REIT benefits from an extensive international presence while concentrating its properties and services in Japan. It specifically targets investment in high-quality distribution facilities positioned in the nation's principal logistics markets. (Powered by AI)

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Nippon Prologis Reit
Nippon Prologis Reit
Nippon Prologis Reit

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