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-0.36 -55
Industry: Commercial Banks
Listing country: China
Year added: 2020

Established in 1984, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) is headquartered in Beijing, China. As one of the leading financial institutions, ICBC covers a broad spectrum of financial services which are categorized into distinct business segments such as Corporate Banking, Retail Banking, Wholesale Banking, Asset Management, and Insurance Services. With its robust presence in the financial industry, ICBC itself is recognized as the pivotal brand, and the institution does not feature a variety of brands as is common with conglomerates in other sectors. While ICBC is headquartered in the Chinese capital, its services and products have a significant global reach. The bank has strategically expanded beyond its domestic market to various key regions around the world. Among its most crucial international markets are the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, Europe, and Africa. This global expansion is supported by a network of subsidiaries and branches located in major financial hubs, including but not limited to Hong Kong, London, New York, Tokyo, and Singapore, ensuring ICBC's prominence in the global financial landscape. (Powered by AI)

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