First Quantum Minerals.

First Quantum Minerals.

Community score

-2.14 -55
Industry: Metals & Mining
Listing country: Canada
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 1983, First Quantum Minerals has its headquarters situated in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The company is primarily involved in the production and sale of metals, focusing on copper, gold, nickel, and zinc, as well as other metals. First Quantum Minerals is distinct from consumer goods companies in that it does not manage a portfolio of brands; rather, it operates mines and facilities often known by their location names. The core markets for First Quantum Minerals' products include regions with substantial manufacturing and construction sectors, which typically have high demand for base metals. These regions span across Europe, Asia, and North America. Globally, the company also has operational mines situated in various strategic countries such as Zambia, Panama, Finland, Turkey, Spain, and Mauritania, all of which are integral to its production capabilities. (Powered by AI)

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First Quantum Minerals.
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