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+0.41 -55
Industry: Packaged Food
Listing country: Switzerland
Year added: 2022

ARYZTA AG is a prominent food business established in 2008 with a specialization in bakery products, resulting from a merger between the Irish IAWS Group and Swiss Hiestand Holding AG. With headquarters located in Zurich, Switzerland, ARYZTA's operations are segmented into three main geographic divisions: Europe, North America, and the Rest of World, which encompasses markets such as Asia and South America. The company boasts a diverse array of bakery offerings including artisan bread, sweet baked goods, morning goods like croissants and Danish pastries, as well as savory items such as pies and quiches, and an assortment of snacks and confectionery items. Key brands under ARYZTA's portfolio encompass La Brea Bakery, Otis Spunkmeyer, Cuisine de France, Klemme, and Hiestand. ARYZTA holds a significant position in the baked goods sector internationally, with North America and Europe being its most critical markets. Nonetheless, the company's global footprint extends beyond these regions, reflecting its expansive reach in the bakery product market worldwide. (Powered by AI)

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