American Express

American Express

Community score

+0.97 -55
SASB Industry: Consumer Finance
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

American Express, incorporated in 1850, is a global financial services company with its headquarters located at 200 Vesey Street, New York City, New York, United States. The company operates through several key business categories: Global Consumer Services Group, which offers an array of proprietary consumer cards and renders services to consumers domestically and abroad; Global Commercial Services, providing a range of card products and expense management services to organizations worldwide; Global Merchant and Network Services, which maintains a payments network catering to proprietary and non-proprietary card transactions; and Corporate and Other, encompassing corporate functions alongside various businesses and operations. The most prominent brand under American Express is its eponymous "American Express", widely recognized for its credit and charge cards, as well as traveler's cheque services. The company's products and services are available globally, with the United States as its most crucial market. Additionally, American Express has a significant presence in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan, India, Mexico, and various European and Asian countries. (Powered by AI)

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