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-0.16 -55
Industry: Software & IT Services
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Founded in 1911, the company, headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States, operates through five primary business segments. The Cloud & Cognitive Software segment delivers comprehensive solutions, software, and data and AI tools catered to various industries. Global Business Services provides consulting, application management, and global process services, while Global Technology Services offers infrastructure and cloud services along with technology support. The Systems segment is involved with systems hardware and the development of operating systems software. Global Financing segment extends lease, installment payment plans, and loan financing services to clients. Renowned for innovative products and services, the most important brands include IBM Watson, which provides AI solutions for businesses; IBM Cloud, offering cloud computing services; IBM Security, which specialises in cybersecurity products and services; IBM Research, known for pioneering scientific research; IBM Blockchain, delivering enterprise blockchain solutions; and IBM Quantum, which is at the forefront of quantum computing solutions. With a presence in over 171 countries, the company’s products and services are sold in key markets like the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, Japan, Brazil, China, India, and many other nations worldwide. (Powered by AI)

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