Community score

-1.44 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities & Power Generators
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

The AES Corporation, incorporated in 1981, is a global power company headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, USA. The corporation focuses primarily on three business categories: Utilities, Thermal and Renewable Energy, and Energy Storage. As a significant provider in the generation and distribution of electric power, AES owns and operates power plants that utilize both thermal sources, such as coal and gas, and renewable sources, including wind, solar, and hydro energy. Additionally, it offers solutions for grid stability and the storage of renewable energy to support sustainable developments in energy infrastructure. The corporation—recognized by its corporate name, The AES Corporation—enjoys a strong brand recognition and oversees the operations of various assets and subsidiaries worldwide. The AES Corporation has a considerable footprint across several key global markets, such as the United States and regions in South America, like Brazil, Chile, and Argentina, as well as Central America and the Caribbean, including the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Its presence in Asia is marked by significant operations in countries like the Philippines and Vietnam, underlining its status as a major player in the global energy sector. (Powered by AI)

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