Far Eastern New Century Corp

Far Eastern New Century Corp

Community score

-0.38 -55
Industry: Apparel
Listing country: Taiwan
Year added: 2022

Far Eastern New Century Corp., established in 1945, has positioned its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan. This company boasts a diverse portfolio in the business world, operating across multiple segments such as petrochemicals, polyester and synthetic fibers, textiles, advanced new materials, and plastics. The firm's prowess extends to engagements in telecommunications, retail, and property development. Within the textile and materials sectors, Far Eastern New Century Corp. is recognized for its brands, including TopGreen, TopCool, and TopDry. These brands have garnered attention for their environmentally conscious and performance-oriented fabric innovations. While brand recognition may fluctuate over time, these names are currently associated with the company’s commitment to quality and sustainability. With a global footprint, Far Eastern New Century Corp. serves an international clientele, dispensing products and services across significant geographical markets such as Asia, America, and Europe. Particularly, the United States, China, and various countries in the European Union stand out as key regions for the company's sales network, showcasing the breadth of its market reach and influence in diverse sectors. (Powered by AI)

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