Dollar General

Dollar General

Community score

-0.54 -55
Industry: Multiline and Specialty Retailers & Distributors
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Dollar General Corporation, incorporated in 1968, is a discount retailer headquartered in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, United States. The company operates primarily in the discount retailing sector and is segmented into four key business categories. These include consumables such as snacks, health and beauty aids, cleaning supplies, and pet supplies; seasonal products that cover holiday decorations, toys, batteries, and small electronics; home products featuring household items, kitchenware, and bedding; and apparel which offers clothing and accessories for the entire family. The company boasts a variety of private label brands, integral to its business model. Among the most significant are Clover Valley, which provides a range of food and beverage products; DG Home, a line of household goods; DG Health, focusing on healthcare products; DG Baby, catering to baby care needs; and DG Body, which offers personal care items. Dollar General's primary market is the United States where it serves customers through a vast network of stores. The retailer's products and services are predominantly available and sold throughout the country, highlighting its focus on the U.S. market for its retail operations. (Powered by AI)

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