Coherent Inc

Coherent Inc

Community score

+0.52 -55
Industry: Semiconductors
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2022

Incorporated in 1966, Coherent Inc. has established its headquarters in Santa Clara, California, United States. The company has carved out a prominent spot for itself in various business segments, prominently featuring Industrial Lasers & Systems wherein it provides an array of laser solutions tailored for material processing tasks such as cutting, welding, marking, and surface treatment. In the Microelectronics sector, Coherent Inc. is a key supplier of lasers essential for the production of flat panel displays, printed circuit boards, and semiconductor devices. Further extending its expertise, the company is a significant contributor to Scientific Research & Government Programs, supplying lasers and related apparatus necessary for basic research and government-funded initiatives. Additionally, Coherent Inc. manufactures lasers and other photonic components in its OEM Components & Instrumentation division, which are utilized by other companies to design and produce their own laser-based systems. While the company manages several brands known within photonics technology circles, their specific brand names are not commonly recognized outside of these specialized industry sectors. The company's products and services have a global reach with key markets that mirror the main regions of laser market activity. These include the United States, China, Germany, Japan, and South Korea, which are pivotal in manufacturing, technological innovation, and scientific research. These nations stand as vital marketplaces for Coherent Inc.'s diverse array of product offerings and services. (Powered by AI)

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