EOG Resources

EOG Resources

Community score

-1.55 -55
Industry: Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 1999 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, the company specializes primarily in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. While it functions under the single brand of EOG Resources rather than multiple consumer-facing brands, the organization has carved out a significant market presence, especially within the United States. Its operations are strategically concentrated in key oil and gas regions including the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford Shale, and Anadarko Basin. Beyond its principal market in the United States, EOG Resources extends its reach to international territories with operational activities in Trinidad and Tobago, and previously in Canada and other locations, yet maintaining a predominant focus on the United States for the sale of its products and services. (Powered by AI)

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EOG Resources

Human history can be explained in terms of energy1;p2. Coal was the primary reason for the first industrial revolution, petroleum led the second, and eventually, electricity became the backbone of modern society, along with petroleum1;p8-10-14. No...

Christopher C. January 22nd, 2024
32 ratings
EOG Resources

The oil and gas sector is known for poor labor practices in the form of unsafe working conditions for staff and contractors, excessive working hours, bonded labor, lack of adequate protective equipment, etc.1;p10. Around 2.3 Mn workers worldwide s...

Toluwalope T. December 6th, 2023
24 ratings
EOG Resources

In order to ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded by taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. On average, the stat...

Renu R. October 23rd, 2023
16 ratings
EOG Resources

Around 4 trillion m3 of freshwater is consumed worldwide every year1. Only 3% of the total available water on Earth is freshwater, and only 0.5% is available for human consumption2. Around 20% of the total water consumption is used for industrial ...

Abdulmajeed V. October 6th, 2023
32 ratings
EOG Resources

Around 3.32 billion people are employed globally as of 20221. Job creation is vital for society, as well as for the economy2. It fuels economic growth as the spending of wages leads to higher consumer spending3. It reduces poverty by providing soc...

Bayonle B. August 16th, 2023
22 ratings
EOG Resources

Oil and gas exploration devastates habitats, species, and the land ecosystem13. Fracking is the process of blasting large amounts of water mixed with toxic chemicals and sand deep into the earth to fracture rock formations and release oil and natu...

Abdulmajeed V. August 4th, 2023
22 ratings
EOG Resources

Globally, in the past five decades, nearly 5.86 million (Mn) tonnes (t) of oil (6.7 Mn m3) has been spilt due to various incidents across the globe1;p11. Oil spills render the area uninhabitable for wildlife and even disturb their physiological pr...

Kanak _. June 20th, 2023
34 ratings
EOG Resources

Minorities, because of their status and lack of representation, might experience hostility, discrimination, and violence in the workplace1. Fostering the inclusion of minorities helps them economically support their families, increase their labor ...

Ayomide M. April 14th, 2023
16 ratings
EOG Resources

As per the ILO, to be gender-balanced, an organization needs 40-60% of either gender1;pxiii. In the oil and gas industry, women represented 22% of the workforce, 17% of the seniors/executives, and 14% of the BODs (2019-20)2,3. An upper ratio of wo...

Christopher C. March 8th, 2023
30 ratings
EOG Resources

In 2021, global GHG emissions amounted to 40.8 billion (Bn) tonnes (t) of CO2e1. To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, from 2020 to 2030, annual GHG reductions of 7.6% are required2. The rapid increase in the emission of greenhouse gases is ca...

Aimen A. February 24th, 2023
14 ratings

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