

Community score

-1.87 -55
Listing country
Ticker: XOM
ISIN: US30231G1022
Industry: Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018
Market Cap: 452.9bn
Coverage Status: Good
No rank in industry

ExxonMobil, formed through the merger of Exxon and Mobil in 1999, is a major player in the energy sector and traces its roots back to John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil company, established in 1870. Its headquarters is situated in Irving, Texas, United States and the corporation operates across three primary business segments. The Upstream segment is focused on the exploration, extraction, and production of crude oil and natural gas. The Downstream segment handles the manufacture and sale of petroleum products, while the Chemical segment is responsible for the production and distribution of petrochemicals. ExxonMobil's brand portfolio includes reputable names such as Exxon, Mobil, and Esso, symbolizing quality and performance in the energy sector. The company's operations are truly global, with key markets scattered across various continents. The presence of ExxonMobil is especially prominent in nations like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium, Australia, India, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, illustrating its extensive influence in both developed and developing economies worldwide. (Powered by AI)

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Analytics based on the Sustainable Development Goals

Negative: 10 Positive: 4
14 Direct Scores
0 Peer-based Scores
816 Total Ratings

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Topics by SDG

Weight of score by SDG

Grid Table
SDG #Analyses Weight Impact Score
17: Partnership for the Goals 1 7.08% +2.33
15: Life on Land 1 6.82% -3.88
14: Life below Water 1 8.92% -3.75
13: Climate Action 1 12.97% -4.55
12: Responsible Consumption and Production 2 20.82% -3.15
10: Reduced Inequalities 1 3.03% -2.43
9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 2 17.03% +3.14
8: Decent work and Economic Growth 2 5.41% -1.34
6: Clean Water and Sanitation 1 11.20% -3.33
5: Gender Equality 1 2.86% -2.47
3: Good Health and Well-being 1 3.86% -3.54

Score Compared to Peer Group Average by SDG

Detailed Peer Group Comparison by SDG

SDG Peer Group Average
British Petroleum
Antero Resources
APA Corporation
Arc Resources
SDG1Peer Group Average ExxonMobilTotalEnergiesBritish PetroleumAntero ResourcesAPA CorporationArc Resources
2 --------
4 --------
9 +2.86<+3.14 +2.50+2.87+2.75+2.90+2.98
11 --------
6 -2.83>-3.33 -3.02-2.88-2.57-2.50-2.66
5 -1.84>-2.47 -1.93-0.03-2.20-3.07-1.33
3 -3.62<-3.54 -2.94-3.92-3.79-3.99-3.51
14 -3.38>-3.75 -3.69-3.78-2.96-3.18-2.94
13 -3.80>-4.55 -3.51-4.05-3.64-3.71-3.35
10 -1.38>-2.43 +0.38-1.79-2.13-0.94-
17 +2.64>+2.33 +3.44+2.52+2.40+2.85+2.30
8 -0.90>-1.34 -0.29-2.55+0.22-1.63+0.20
7 +2.71--+2.91+2.50---
15 -3.30>-3.88 -3.53-2.51-3.37-3.85-2.68
1 --------
12 -2.90>-3.15 -2.72-2.90-3.27-2.67-2.67
16 -4.12---4.38-3.87---