Tourmaline Oil

Tourmaline Oil

Community score

-1.77 -55
Industry: Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production
Listing country: Canada
Year added: 2018

Tourmaline Oil Corp, incorporated in 2008, has its headquarters in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The company is active in several key segments of the energy sector, including natural gas production, oil production, and the exploration and development of petroleum and natural gas properties. While Tourmaline primarily operates under its corporate name and does not utilize individual brand names for its products, it is recognized as an upstream oil and gas company. Its core operations are situated within Canada, where it focuses on the domestic market, although it may also participate in exporting its products depending on the prevailing market conditions and trade agreements influencing international sales. (Powered by AI)

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Tourmaline Oil

Energy played an integral role throughout human history1;p2. It also serves as a key driver for the mobility of goods and people through cars, aircraft, and railroads and thus boosts economic growth2. In 2022, 82% of the world's energy requirement...

Umer Farooq L. April 6th, 2024
20 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

About 2.67 Million (Mn) m³ of oil are discharged to the sea each year, with offshore production operations accounting for about 2.1% & transportation accidents accounting for about 5.2%1. Oil spills from ships/tankers can have a detrimental effec...

Toluwalope T. January 3rd, 2024
50 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

According to the WHO, ~785 Million (Mn) people do not have access to basic drinking water services1, while 2.7 Billion (Bn) people are experiencing water scarcity at least a month in a year2. The world's total water demand is 4,600 Bn m3 at presen...

Kanak _. December 1st, 2023
16 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

To ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded by taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. Corporate taxes accounted for...

Deborah D. October 21st, 2023
10 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

Around 3.32 billion people are employed globally as of 20221. Job creation is essential to the economy and society2, as it encourages social integration, provides opportunities for personal development, reduces poverty, and provides social protect...

Damola D. August 17th, 2023
44 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

The oil and gas sector is known for poor labor practices in the form of unsafe working conditions for staff and contractors, working excessive hours,  bonded labor, lack of adequate protective equipment, etc.1;p10. As of 2021, 50 Million (Mn) peop...

Oyelakin M. May 15th, 2023
24 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

According to ILO, a company needs 40-60% representation of either sex to achieve gender balance1;pxii. In 2020, women represented 39% of the global workforce2. In the oil and gas industry, women account for 22% of the jobs, 11% in executive roles,...

Adedayo _. March 15th, 2023
16 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

Global GHG emission reached a record high of 59.1Bn tonnes tCO2e in 20191. To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, from 2020 to 2030, annual GHG reductions of 7.6% are required2. The rapid increase in the emission of greenhouse gases is causing ...

Joyleen C. April 28th, 2022
22 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

At 27 billion (bn) m3 of crude oil, Alberta has the third-largest proven oil reserve in the world, covering an area of around 142,200 km26 in the north-western Alberta5. However, the mining of oil sands has harshly affected the region with polluta...

Surbhi S. May 31st, 2023
42 ratings
Tourmaline Oil

Air pollution is responsible for about 5 million deaths annually2.  About 91% of the population is living in areas where the air quality is below the WHO standards1. In Canada, air pollution is estimated to cause 14,600 premature deaths every year...

Homa P. February 3rd, 2021
30 ratings

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