TC Energy Corporation

TC Energy Corporation

Community score

-1.89 -55
Industry: Oil & Gas - Midstream, Transportation & Storage
Listing country: Canada
Year added: 2018

TC Energy Corporation, incorporated in 1951, has its headquarters based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The company focuses on three core business segments: Natural Gas Pipelines, Liquids Pipelines, and Power and Storage. While it does not have multiple "brands" in the typical sense, TC Energy owns and operates several key pipeline systems and infrastructure assets, notably the Keystone Pipeline System, NGTL System (Nova Gas Transmission Ltd), Canadian Mainline, ANR Pipeline, as well as the Columbia Gas and Columbia Gulf systems. Additionally, the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project stands as an important development. The corporation principally serves markets across Canada, the United States, and Mexico, engaging predominantly in the North American region where it holds a significant presence in the natural gas and liquids pipelines as well as energy infrastructure sectors. (Powered by AI)

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TC Energy Corporation
TC Energy Corporation
TC Energy Corporation
TC Energy Corporation
User profile picture Abdulmajeed V. January 8th, 2024
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TC Energy Corporation

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