Shenghe Resources Holding

Shenghe Resources Holding

Community score

-1.78 -55
Industry: Metals & Mining
Listing country: China
Year added: 2022

Shenghe Resources was incorporated in the year 2001 and has its headquarters based in Shanghai, China. This company primarily operates within the rare earth industry, focusing on key business categories such as Rare Earth Extraction and Processing, Rare Earth Functional Materials, and Trade and Logistics. Although Shenghe Resources does not emphasize consumer-facing brands, it plays a significant role as a business-to-business (B2B) supplier. The scope of the company's operations is not limited to China, as it is actively involved in international trade. Shenghe Resources influences various global markets by providing products and services, reaching customers in the United States, Europe, and other Asian countries. (Powered by AI)

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Metals and minerals are substances found in the Earth's crust and a fundamental part of our everyday life1;p1,2,3. They are widely used in many industries, including the construction industry, energy, transportation, and technology, to name a few1...

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