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-2.22 -55
Industry: Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production
Listing country: Australia
Year added: 2018

Santos is an Australian energy company established in 1954, engaged primarily in the gas production and exploration sector. With its headquarters based in Adelaide, South Australia, the company has carved out a significant presence in the energy market. Its activities span a few critical business sectors which encompass exploration, development, production, and sales of natural gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and oil. It also has investments in onshore and offshore gas processing and liquefaction, as well as providing energy solutions through gas-to-electricity projects. Unlike consumer goods companies that operate under multiple brands, Santos has focused its business under its single corporate brand. By concentrating on its core brand, Santos ensures that all products and services are identifiable with the company's reputation and quality. Santos is one of the largest suppliers of natural gas in Australia and plays a vital role in the country's LNG industry with projects like the Gladstone LNG. Beyond its domestic market, Santos has substantial interests in Papua New Guinea through the PNG LNG project, as well as in Timor-Leste, where it is involved with the Bayu-Undan field and the Darwin LNG facility that sources its gas from the Timor Sea. These regions highlight some of the primary areas where Santos has a significant influence on the energy sector, holding key assets and driving sales and production efforts. (Powered by AI)

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