Pactiv Evergreen Inc

Pactiv Evergreen Inc

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-1.20 -55
Industry: Packaging Solutions
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2022

Pactiv Evergreen Inc, incorporated in 2006, is based in Lake Forest, Illinois, USA. The company is involved in various business segments, such as Foodservice, where they produce and supply food containers for restaurants and food take-out services. In the Food Merchandising segment, they provide packaging for supermarkets including meat trays and salad containers. They also cater to the Beverage Merchandising market by manufacturing cartons for juices, dairy, and other drinks. Notable brands under Pactiv Evergreen include EarthChoice, which focuses on eco-friendly packaging solutions; Pactiv, their flagship brand covering a broad spectrum of foodservice and food packaging products; and Evergreen, known for paper-based beverage cartons. The company primarily serves the North American market, with the United States as its largest market, alongside operations and distribution in Canada and other international locations. (Powered by AI)

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