Mitsubishi Gas Chemical
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moreFounded in 1918, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical is a pioneering chemical company with its headquarters situated in Tokyo, Japan. Throughout the years, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical has established itself as a leader in several key business segments including Natural Gas Chemicals, Aromatic Chemicals, Specialty Chemicals, Information & Advanced Materials, and Carbon Products. While Mitsubishi Gas Chemical emphasizes its corporate brand due to the wide range of products it offers, it has also developed notable products and brands. These include the MXDA, a sought-after epoxy curing agent, AGELESS, which are innovative oxygen-absorbing agents geared towards food packaging, and GASTIGHT, a line of advanced packaging materials designed to extend the shelf life of contents. The company has a strong presence across the globe, with Japan being its primary market. Other significant markets where Mitsubishi Gas Chemical's products and services are in high demand include the United States, China, various countries within the European Union, and Southeast Asia, highlighting its role as a key player with a global operational impact. (Powered by AI)
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