Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

Community score

-0.40 -55
Industry: Chemicals
Listing country: Japan
Year added: 2018

Founded in 1918, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical is a pioneering chemical company with its headquarters situated in Tokyo, Japan. Throughout the years, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical has established itself as a leader in several key business segments including Natural Gas Chemicals, Aromatic Chemicals, Specialty Chemicals, Information & Advanced Materials, and Carbon Products. While Mitsubishi Gas Chemical emphasizes its corporate brand due to the wide range of products it offers, it has also developed notable products and brands. These include the MXDA, a sought-after epoxy curing agent, AGELESS, which are innovative oxygen-absorbing agents geared towards food packaging, and GASTIGHT, a line of advanced packaging materials designed to extend the shelf life of contents. The company has a strong presence across the globe, with Japan being its primary market. Other significant markets where Mitsubishi Gas Chemical's products and services are in high demand include the United States, China, various countries within the European Union, and Southeast Asia, highlighting its role as a key player with a global operational impact. (Powered by AI)

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The global production of plastics reached 400.3 million tonnes (t) in 20221. The life-cycle emissions of plastics stood at 1.8 billion t2. Carbon fiber can replace the excessive use of metals like steel and is also 50% stronger in tensile strength...

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Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

Around 4 trillion m3 of freshwater is used worldwide every year1. Only 3% of the total available water on Earth is freshwater, and only 0.5% is for human consumption2. Industry 3 uses around 20% of the total water consumption3;p7. Companies should...

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Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

To ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded by taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. On average, the statutory cor...

04.11.2020 - Impact Analyst Manisha R. October 27th, 2023
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Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

Around 3.3 billion people are employed globally as of 20221. Job creation is vital for society, as well as for the economy2. It fuels economic growth as the spending of wages leads to higher consumer spending3. It reduces poverty by providing soci...

09.03.2022 - Impact Analyst Abdulmajeed V. September 8th, 2023
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Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

The protection of fundamental human rights, the absence of forced labor, the freedom to associate, workplace safety, etc. are all provided through good labor practices1. Around 40.3 million (Mn) people are subjected to modern slavery, of which 24....

04.06.2021 - Impact Analyst Gift O. May 5th, 2023
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Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

As per the ILO, to be gender-balanced, an organization needs 40-60% of either gender1;p12. An upper ratio of women in the workplace forecasts more job satisfaction and fewer burnouts2. Women's underrepresentation negatively affects their promotion...

01.02.2022 - Impact Analyst Damola D. April 21st, 2023
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Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

Globally, around 80% of wastewater is discharged without proper treatment1. Water pollution results in algal blooms in aquatic environments, which quickly increase nutrient levels that support plant and algae growth while reducing water oxygen lev...

19.07.2021 - Impact Analyst Emmanuel J. March 20th, 2023
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Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

GHGs trap the Sun's heat and cause a rise in temperature, sea level, extreme weather conditions, and climate change1. Industries need to develop carbon-free systems to meet the Paris Agreement's goal of keeping the atmospheric temperature rise bel...

09.03.2022 - Impact Analyst Abdulmajeed V. February 8th, 2023
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Mitsubishi Gas Chemical

Petrochemicals are made from fossil fuels like crude oil and natural gas; common examples include xylene and methanol, which form the basis of plastic and other syntheticss1,2. Speciality resins like engineering plastics include polyacetal, nylon,...

22.03.2021 - Impact Analyst Kasamba K. April 4th, 2023
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