Haleon plc

Haleon plc

Community score

+0.44 -55
Industry: Household Products & Personal Care
Listing country: United Kingdom
Year added: 2022

Haleon plc, incorporated in 2021, is a company with its headquarters in the United Kingdom, specializing in consumer healthcare. The company's business segments cover a range of products including oral health, pain relief, respiratory health, digestive health, and various vitamins, minerals, and supplements. Haleon plc boasts an impressive portfolio of key brands such as Sensodyne, Voltaren, Panadol, Theraflu, Excedrin, Poligrip, ChapStick, and Centrum. Serving global markets, Haleon plc has a significant presence not only in the United States and its home market, the UK, but also across diverse regions in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. (Powered by AI)

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