Schweiter Technologies AG

Schweiter Technologies AG

Community score

-0.58 -55
Industry: Chemicals
Listing country: Switzerland
Year added: 2022

Founded in 1912, Schweiter Technologies AG is a well-established company with its headquarters located in Horgen, Switzerland. The company has carved out a strong position in the industry with a focus on two main business categories: textile machinery and composite materials. It operates under its most important brands, SSM Textile Machinery and 3A Composites, which have both garnered international acclaim. Schweiter Technologies AG boasts a comprehensive global footprint, with its products and services available worldwide, encompassing Europe, the Americas, Asia, and other influential markets. The company's commitment to international growth is evident in its manufacturing operations, specifically with 3A Composites' facilities spread across multiple continents, and the widespread activity of SSM Textile Machinery, signifying its status as a truly global enterprise. (Powered by AI)

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Schweiter Technologies AG

As per the ILO, for any organization to achieve gender balance, there needs to be 40-60% representation of either gender1;pxii. Increasing women's participation in the workforce increases female purchasing power, equality in family relationships, ...

Ayomide M. February 20th, 2024
38 ratings
Schweiter Technologies AG

Everything in day-to-day life is made of chemical compounds, for instance, engineering, medicines, textiles, and fuels1. Consequently, chemicals are crucial in modern life to ensure people's most basic needs, like food, health, shelter, energy, et...

Feyisayo Favour F. January 31st, 2024
20 ratings
Schweiter Technologies AG

The protection of fundamental human rights, the absence of forced labour, workplace safety, etc. are all provided through good labour practices1. The global chemical industry has been linked with forced labour, for instance, through the materials ...

Muhammad S. January 15th, 2024
14 ratings
Schweiter Technologies AG

Around 3.3 billion people are employed globally as of 20221. Job creation is vital for society, as well as for the economy2. It fuels economic growth as the spending of wages leads to higher consumer spending3. It reduces poverty by providing soci...

Damola D. December 5th, 2023
26 ratings
Schweiter Technologies AG

The wind energy sector is the "largest consumer of composite materials"1. Wind energy produces only 11gCO2/kWh of electricity generated compared to 980gCO2/kWh from coal20. The core of wind turbine blades is mainly made of lightweight and strong m...

Njeri B. November 16th, 2023
44 ratings
Schweiter Technologies AG

To ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded by taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. Corporate taxes accounted for...

Damola D. February 13th, 2024
18 ratings
Schweiter Technologies AG

Annually, the world generates 2 billion tonnes (t) of solid municipal waste1. About 40% of the global waste is managed improperly, dumped, or openly burned, while only 14% is recycled2. Waste sent to landfills often contributes to global climate c...

Kithembe M. August 22nd, 2023
16 ratings
Schweiter Technologies AG

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) trap the Sun’s heat and cause a rise in temperature and sea level, extreme weather conditions, and climate change1. In 2021, global GHG emissions amounted to 40.8 billion tonnes (t) of CO2e2;p11. To meet the goals of the ...

Gift O. June 14th, 2023
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