Advanced Micro Devices

Advanced Micro Devices

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+0.15 -55
Industry: Semiconductors
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) was incorporated in 1969 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, United States. AMD operates in two main business segments: Computing and Graphics, and Enterprise, Embedded, and Semi-Custom. The Computing and Graphics segment is responsible for producing desktop and notebook processors, chipsets, discrete graphics processing units (GPUs), and professional graphics. Within this segment, AMD has established several key brands such as Ryzen, known for its consumer CPUs; Radeon, a line of graphics cards; and Threadripper, which represents high-end desktop processors. The Enterprise, Embedded, and Semi-Custom segment focuses on server and embedded processors, semi-custom System-on-Chip (SoC) products, development services, and technology that caters to game consoles. In this category, AMD is recognized for its brand EPYC, which signifies a series of server processors. AMD's products and services are marketed globally. The company has important markets in the United States, China, Europe, and various other regions where the demand for advanced computing and graphics processing technology is significant. (Powered by AI)

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Advanced Micro Devices

Annually, the world generates 2 billion tonnes (t) of solid municipal waste1. About 40% of the waste generated globally is managed improperly, dumped, or openly burned, while only 14% is recycled2. Waste sent to landfills often contributes to glob...

Kanak _. January 26th, 2024
48 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

In order to ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded by taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. On average, the stat...

Renu R. November 22nd, 2023
24 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

In 2021, 57.4 million (Mn) tonnes (t) of e-waste were generated across the globe, and only about 17.4% of e-waste is recycled globally1. E-waste is harmful to humans and contains chemicals that adversely affect the brain, heart, liver, kidney, and...

S_ R. September 27th, 2023
34 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

In 2022 3.32 billion people were employed globally1. Job creation assists society in many ways, such as eliminating poverty and bringing economic stability, eventually leading to new taxpayers2. It also gives opportunities for personal growth and ...

Ghulam G. September 25th, 2023
20 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

A culturally diverse workplace expands people's ability to develop talents and skills by exchanging a broader range of ideas and expertise1. It also empowers people by building trust between co-workers and helps people dispel negative stereotypes ...

Oyelakin M. July 12th, 2023
24 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

As per ILO, for an organization to reach gender balance, a 40-60% representation of either gender is needed1;pxii. Female underrepresentation limits economic development and leads to an unequal share of economic growth benefits2. Furthermore, equa...

Osbert W. December 3rd, 2023
48 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

GHGs trap the Sun's heat and cause a rise in temperature and sea level, extreme weather conditions, and climate change1. In 2021, global GHG emissions amounted to 40.8 billion tonnes (t) of CO2e2. Industries need to develop carbon-free systems to ...

Muhammad Aqib A. January 31st, 2023
30 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

Every year, about 4 trillion m3 of water is consumed worldwide1. Only 3% of the total available water on Earth is freshwater, and only 0.5% is available for human consumption2. Around 20% of the total water consumption is used for industrial purpo...

Osbert W. January 4th, 2023
12 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

Good working conditions are a universal right1, yet ~40 Mn people still work in slave-like status globally2. The electronics global supply chains are vast & complex, with factories in developing countries3. They might implement poor work condition...

Fz C. August 18th, 2022
34 ratings
Advanced Micro Devices

Semiconductors are materials used in day-to-day electronic devices whose electrical properties can be modulated1. They make it possible to get, convert & transfer energy with the least loss of power, enabling efficient electricity use2. Semiconduc...

Muhammad Aqib A. November 16th, 2021
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