

Community score

+0.91 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities
Listing country: France
Year added: 2018

Engie, incorporated in 2008 from the merger of Gaz de France and Suez, has its historical roots extending back to the 19th century. The multinational utility company has its headquarters in La Défense, Courbevoie, France. Engie's operations span a range of business categories including Client Solutions, encompassing energy efficiency products, facility management, and decentralized energy production alongside Networks involved in the management of natural gas and electrical transmission and distribution. The Renewables segment is focused on the development of energy from wind, solar, and hydroelectric sources, while the Thermal Energy division manages a variety of power plants, including those powered by natural gas, coal, biomass, and nuclear energy. Additionally, Engie's Energy Supply segment is tasked with the procurement and delivery of natural gas and electricity. While the Engie brand is the predominant label under which the company operates, there are various subsidiaries, each with their own branding that may differ by market, such as Engie Electrabel, Engie E&P, GRTgaz, and Tractebel Engineering. Engie's international presence covers more than 70 countries with a significant footprint in regions such as France, Belgium, Brazil, North America, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. (Powered by AI)

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