Orora Ltd

Orora Ltd

Community score

-1.82 -55
Industry: Packaging Solutions
Listing country: Australia
Year added: 2022

Orora Ltd is a company that was established in 2013 and is headquartered in Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. The company operates primarily in the packaging industry and visual communication sector, with its key business categories being packaging solutions and visual communication solutions. Their packaging solutions encompass the design and production of various packaging materials such as glass bottles, aluminum cans, along with boxes and cartons, whereas visual communication solutions consist of a range of products and services aimed at marketing, including point of purchase displays and printing services. Orora Ltd has fostered several important brands under its corporate umbrella, including Orora Packaging Solutions, Orora Visual, Orora Fibre Packaging, and Orora Beverage. The company's market reach extends beyond Australia, with significant business in North America, New Zealand, and other Asia-Pacific countries, reflecting its international presence in the packaging and visual communications markets. (Powered by AI)

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