Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co Ltd

Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co Ltd

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-0.91 -55
Industry: Meat and Dairy
Listing country: China
Year added: 2022

Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co Ltd, established in 2010, stands as a pioneering force in the food technology sector, with a focus on revolutionizing dairy product manufacturing and distribution. Headquartered in Shanghai, China, the company operates across diversified business segments, specializing primarily in the research, development, and production of dairy-based food products. Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co Ltd offers a wide array of dairy products, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream, leveraging advanced technology and production processes to deliver superior taste and nutritional value to consumers. The company primarily operates in China, serving domestic consumers through its extensive distribution network and retail partnerships.

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Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co Ltd

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