Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies

Community score

+2.15 -55
Industry: Technology Hardware
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Founded in 1984, Dell Technologies is headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, United States. The company operates multiple business segments, with core categories including the Client Solutions Group (CSG), which features an array of desktops, notebooks, tablets, and branded peripherals like monitors and projectors. The Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG) is another vital category, offering storage, servers, networking technologies, and associated services. Within its diverse portfolio, Dell Technologies owns a significant stake in VMware, a leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure solutions. Additional businesses under Dell's scope encompass companies like Pivotal (now part of VMware), Secureworks, RSA Security, Virtustream, and Boomi, each specializing in their respective fields such as security services, cloud, integration platform as a service (iPaaS), and more. The company's branding strategy includes well-known brands like Dell, recognized for personal computers and peripherals; Dell EMC, focusing on data storage, cloud, and big data solutions; and VMware, with solutions for cloud infrastructure and digital workspaces. Additionally, Secureworks provides security services, RSA offers solutions in security risk, and cybersecurity incident response, Virtustream caters to cloud software and services, and Boomi is known for its integration platform as a service (iPaaS). Dell Technologies has a vast global footprint, selling products and services in nearly every country worldwide, with the United States as its largest market. Other significant markets for Dell include European countries, China, India, Brazil, Canada, Japan, and Australia, underscoring the company's international reach and influence in the tech industry. (Powered by AI)

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Dell Technologies

Plastics and metals are widely used as raw materials for the electronics industry1. Petrochemicals like plastic account for 14% of global oil use2. Fossil fuels account for about 99% of the plastics' raw material base3. Oil and gas exploration and...

Kithembe M. April 9th, 2024
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Dell Technologies

In order to ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded by taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. Corporate taxes acco...

Muhammad Aqib A. October 29th, 2023
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Dell Technologies

Globally, women represented 47% of the workforce, 25% below men’s rate of 72% in 20222. The ILO defines a gender-balanced workplace as having 40-60% of male and female employees in leading and standard positions1;p11. Societies that empower wome...

V S M. October 16th, 2023
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Dell Technologies

In 2022, 3.3 billion people were employed globally1. Job creation assists society in many ways, such as eliminating poverty and bringing economic stability that eventually leads to new taxpayers2. It also gives opportunities for personal growth an...

Feyisayo Favour F. October 9th, 2023
26 ratings
Dell Technologies

Over 2 billion (Bn) tonnes (t) of municipal solid waste are generated annually, at least 33% of which is not safely managed1. Around 37% of the waste is landfilled, and 19% is recycled or composted globally1. Improper waste management pollutes wat...

Emmanuel J. October 7th, 2023
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Dell Technologies

In 2022, global energy-related CO2e reached 38.6 billion (Bn) tonnes (t)1. Data centers alone are responsible for about 4% of global electricity consumption3. If energy-efficient optimized systems are used, 40-60% of energy could be saved2;p3-4

Ruqqaiya K. August 11th, 2023
24 ratings
Dell Technologies

Discrimination makes it harder for minorities to meet basic financial requirements1. People are often discriminated against based on age, race, ethnicity, etc2. Increasing minority representation improves their economic and psychological health co...

Ajay A. June 8th, 2023
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Dell Technologies

Globally, over 50 million (Mn) tonnes (t) of electronic waste (e-waste) are generated yearly, only 17% are recycled while 83% are landfilled or incinerated1. It builds up in the environment as a contaminant and its toxins harm living organisms2, 3...

Kasamba K. February 3rd, 2023
40 ratings
Dell Technologies

GHGs trap the Sun's heat and cause a rise in temperature, sea level, extreme weather conditions, and climate change1. Industries need to develop carbon-free systems to meet the Paris Agreement's goal of keeping the atmospheric temperature rise bel...

Bolu F. January 20th, 2023
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Dell Technologies

Around 4 trillion (Tr) cubic meters (m3) of freshwater is consumed worldwide every year1. Only 3% of the total available water on Earth is freshwater, and only 0.5% is for human consumption2. Around 20% of the total water consumption is used by in...

Harsh S. January 18th, 2023
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