ABN Amro

ABN Amro

Community score

+0.18 -55
Industry: Commercial Banks
Listing country: Netherlands
Year added: 2018

ABN AMRO, a merged entity of Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN) and Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank (AMRO) created in 1991, has its headquarters situated in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The bank focuses mainly on five key business segments: Retail Banking, which provides personal banking services such as accounts, loans, mortgages, and investments; Private Banking, which offers wealth management for affluent individuals; Corporate Banking, which delivers various financial services to businesses including lending and advisory services; Commercial Banking, which serves mid-sized businesses; and Asset Management, although this segment was operational only up until its disposal. While ABN AMRO does not boast a wide array of brands as consumer goods companies do, it positions itself as the primary brand with a few subsidiary brands managed before various restructuring and divestment processes. Primarily, ABN AMRO’s products and services are marketed in the Netherlands, establishing it as a prominent bank there. It also has an international footprint, serving private banking clients across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, although its international coverage is subject to alteration following strategic business plans. (Powered by AI)

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In 2022, household debt in the Netherlands made up 94% of GDP, amounting to $949.6 billion (Bn), with mortgages accounting for the lion’s share at around $800 billion1,2;p9,3. That year, the average mortgage loan was $333,0004. The non-performin...

22.03.2021 - Impact Analyst Kasamba K. December 5th, 2023
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ABN Amro

In 2022, about 60% of households in the Netherlands found it hard to make ends meets1. Elevated prices are one of the main factors contributing to heightened poverty and financial challenges in the Netherlands3,2;p36. Financial coaching alleviates...

04.11.2020 - Impact Analyst Oluwatobi O. November 29th, 2023
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To ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded through taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. On average, the statutor...

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In 2023, an estimated 3.4 billion people are employed globally1. Job creation assists society in many ways, such as eliminating poverty and bringing economic stability that eventually leads to new taxpayers2. It also gives opportunities for person...

14.02.2021 - Impact Analyst Ghulam G. December 1st, 2023
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The inclusion of minorities helps them economically support their families, increase their labor market share, and empower communities by allowing individual freedom1. In the Netherlands the ethnic composition is as follows: Dutch 76.9%, EU 6.4%, ...

23.11.2021 - Impact Analyst Qamar Q. November 30th, 2023
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The International Labour Organization (ILO) requires 40-60% representation for either gender to achieve gender parity1;pxii. Women's underrepresentation leaves them economically disadvantaged, promotes male-dominated management, and restricts part...

23.10.2021 - Impact Analyst Muhammad S. December 5th, 2023
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In 2021, global GHG emissions amounted to 40.8 Bn tonnes (t) of CO2e1.To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, from 2020 to 2030, an annual GHG emission reduction of 7.6% is required2. The rapid increase in the emission of greenhouse gases is cau...

03.02.2022 - Impact Analyst Joy C. November 29th, 2023
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Financial institutions play a key role in funding the energy transition1;p4. Energy production accounts for 72% of carbon emissions2, while fossil fuel emissions remain the primary cause of global warming3. Since 2015, $3.6Tn has been invested in ...

22.10.2020 - Impact Analyst Ardit N. December 5th, 2023
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An average of 6 billion (Bn) payment cards, most of which contain polyvinyl chloride (PVC), are produced each year1. PVC is one of the most hazardous plastics whose production and disposal release chlorine-based chemicals that are toxic3. Plastic ...

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The private sector is composed of for-profit businesses that are not State-controlled1. Businesses benefit local economies by boosting employment and tax income for governments2. Micro and SMEs form the most significant business sector in most eco...

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