Rotork PLC

Rotork PLC

Community score

-0.80 -55
Industry: Industrial Machinery & Equipment
Listing country: United Kingdom
Year added: 2022

Founded in 1957, Rotork PLC has since established its headquarters in Bath, United Kingdom. The company specializes in a variety of business segments including actuators and flow control equipment; pneumatic, hydraulic, and electric actuators; process control and instrumentation; valve gearboxes and accessories; valve automation and control systems; and offers services like repair, maintenance, and retrofitting of valve equipment. Rotork's portfolio encompasses several key brands such as Rotork Controls, Rotork Fluid Systems, Rotork Gears, and Rotork Instruments. With a global presence, the company markets its products and services across Europe, the Americas, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa, addressing the needs of diverse industries like water and wastewater, power generation, oil and gas, and chemical processing. (Powered by AI)

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