Kweichow Moutai Co.

Kweichow Moutai Co.

Community score

-2.86 -55
Industry: Alcoholic Beverages
Listing country: China
Year added: 2021

Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., established in 1999, is situated in Maotai Town, Renhuai City, located within China's Guizhou Province. This company is renowned for producing and selling Maotai liquor, a luxury baijiu beverage crafted from grain, and occupies a prominent position in the business segment of high-end liquor production. The standout brand of the company is "Moutai," which holds prestige and acclaim both within China and on the international stage as a symbol of sophistication. While Kweichow Moutai's primary market remains within China, the brand has been successfully expanding worldwide, now reaching consumers in various countries and gaining an upscale status, particularly in Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America. (Powered by AI)

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