U.S. Steel

U.S. Steel

Community score

-2.29 -55
Industry: Iron & Steel Manufacturing
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Founded in 1901, U.S. Steel operates its headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, within the United States. The company is established in the industry through three major business segments. The Flat-rolled segment is recognized for the production of slabs, strip mill plates, sheets, tin mill products, and is also responsible for all iron ore and coke production facilities in the United States. The U.S. Steel Europe (USSE) segment, historically known for producing and marketing hot rolled, cold rolled, and coated sheets, has seen a considerable reduction in its European footprint, reflecting the company's strategic restructuring within this regional market. Furthermore, the Tubular Products segment is dedicated to manufacturing and distributing steel tubing predominantly utilized within the oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors. The U.S. Steel brand is synonymous with the steel industry, epitomizing the company's extensive heritage and reputation. Specific branded products are marketed under this umbrella, adapting with the evolution of market strategies and product innovation. While the main market for U.S. Steel's products and services remains the United States, the company's reach extends to international sales, including various European countries and other global regions, with the relevance of each market subject to change based on prevailing economic trends and company objectives. (Powered by AI)

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