

Community score

-0.94 -55
Industry: Meat and Dairy
Listing country: Canada
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 1954, the company headquarters are situated in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is engaged in the business of dairy products, which encompasses cheese, fluid milk, extended shelf-life milk and cream products, cultured products, and dairy ingredients. Its brand portfolio boasts a variety of well-known names such as Saputo, Alexis de Portneuf, Armstrong, COON, Cracker Barrel*, Dairyland, Neilson, Nutrilait, Scotsburn*, Stella, Sungold, Treasure Cave, Woolwich Dairy, and others. Remarkably, the brands Cracker Barrel and Scotsburn are used under license. The company has a significant presence with its operations spanning across Canada, the United States, Australia, Argentina, the United Kingdom, and globally through exports and licensing deals. Notably, the markets in the United States and Canada are key to the company's product and service distribution. (Powered by AI)

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