

Community score

-2.31 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Ameren Corporation, a utility company in the United States, emerged from the merger of Central Illinois Public Service Company and Union Electric Company in 1997. With its headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, Ameren serves as a primary power provider in the region. The company's operations are segmented into two main divisions: Ameren Missouri and Ameren Illinois. Ameren Missouri is responsible for offering electric and gas services within Missouri, which includes the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. Ameren Illinois, on the other hand, focuses on the transmission and distribution of electricity and natural gas to its customers in Illinois. Despite the complexity of operations in energy generation and distribution, Ameren maintains a straightforward branding approach, operating mainly under its corporate name without a diverse range of consumer-facing brands. Its market presence is concentrated in the United States, notably within the states of Missouri and Illinois, with no international expansion, positioning Ameren as a regional player in the energy sector. (Powered by AI)

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