Nestlé's nutrition solutions offer essential nourishment to neonates and people with health needs

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Globally, only 16% of infants and young children receive an adequate amount of diverse and nutritious foods every day1. Around 149 million (Mn) children under the age of five experience developmental stunting due to chronic malnutrition during the first 1,000 days, while an additional 49 Mn children suffer from acute malnutrition1. Adequate nutrition, moreover, is critical for improved immune responses of the ill2.

Nestlé sells food and beverages in 188 countries3;p2. Nestlé's nutrition and health science comprises 55 brands, providing medical and lifestyle nutrition solutions for managing medical conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and obesity4,5,6,7. In 2023, 16.4% of its sales were from its Nutrition segment3;p22.

In 1867, Nestlé pioneered the large-scale development of infant formula17;p11,8, producing brands like Althera, Alfare, and Alfamino, enriched with human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) to support infant nutrition and immune health4,3;p9,34,47. The formula contains two significant HMOs found in human breast milk—relieving infants from symptoms like eczema and diarrhea8,9,10. Nestlé commands a market share of over 20% in baby formula12.

Additionally, Nestlé offers the only peptide-based formula with 100% whey protein, supported by over 100 studies for managing gastrointestinal impairments13. In fact, its Peptamen intense VHP formula was associated with decreased mortality rates in a study among patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, sepsis and others11;p1-2. Nestlé also provides glucose control products that contain essential vitamins and nutrients, helping individuals with diabetes control their glucose levels14,15,16.

Moreover, with the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Nestlé developed Cerelac Pushtimix, a cereal-based fortifier designed to combat malnutrition in children3;p23. Over 4.4 Mn sachets were sold in 2023, reaching rural areas3;p23.

Nestlé provides nutrition solutions to manage diseases.

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