

Community score

-0.20 -55
Listing country
Ticker: NESN.SW
ISIN: CH0038863350
Industry: Packaged Food
Listing country: Switzerland
Year added: 2018
Market Cap: 303.6bn
Coverage Status: Good
No rank in industry

Founded in 1866, Nestlé has grown to become a leading multinational company with its headquarters located in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland. With a diverse portfolio, Nestlé's significant business segments include Powdered and Liquid Beverages, Nutrition and Health Science, Milk products and Ice cream, PetCare, Prepared dishes and cooking aids, Confectionery, and Water. Nestlé boasts a prominent collection of brands, widely recognized across the globe. Some of these key brands are Nescafé, Nestlé Pure Life, Maggi, KitKat, Gerber, Nestlé Toll House, Purina, Nespresso, Lean Cuisine, Smarties, Stouffer's, and Perrier. A truly global entity, Nestlé operates extensively in various countries, ensuring a strong market presence worldwide. Some of the most vital markets by sales for Nestlé encompass the United States, China, France, Brazil, Germany, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Italy, Canada, and Spain, making the company an influential force in the food and beverage industry. (Powered by AI)

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Negative: 10 Positive: 7
17 Direct Scores
0 Peer-based Scores
2,634 Total Ratings

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Topics by ESRS

Weight of score by ESRS

Grid Table
#Analyses Weight Impact Score
- 1 6.48% +3.42
S2 - Workers in the value chain 1 5.87% +3.71
E3 - Water and Marine Resources 1 6.94% -3.10
G1 - Business conduct 1 6.74% +2.88
S3 - Affected communities 1 5.43% -3.82
E5 - Resource Use and Circular Economy 3 17.47% -2.78
S1 - Own Workforce 4 15.74% -0.33
E4 - Biodiversity and Ecosystems 1 7.91% -4.20
E1 - Climate Change 1 6.45% -2.99
S4 - Consumers and end- users 3 20.96% +1.60

Score Compared to Peer Group Average by ESRS Topic

Detailed Peer Group Comparison by ESRS Topic

ESRS Peer Group Average
Kraft Heinz
Associated British Foods
Barry Callebaut
ESRS1Peer Group Average NestléDanoneKraft HeinzAjinomotoAssociated British FoodsBarry Callebaut
E1 - Climate Change-2.65>-2.99 -0.81-3.76-3.94-1.45-2.97
E3 - Water and Marine Resources-2.86>-3.10 -2.97-2.50-2.76-3.03-2.80
E4 - Biodiversity and Ecosystems-3.17>-4.20 -3.68-2.15-3.27-2.67-3.04
E5 - Resource Use and Circular Economy-2.63>-2.78 -2.66-2.65-2.78-2.52-2.38
S1 - Own Workforce-1.28<-0.33 -0.61-1.47-1.04-1.49-2.76
S2 - Workers in the value chain+3.26<+3.71 +2.83+2.99-+3.08+3.70
S3 - Affected communities+1.10>-3.82 +2.44+2.64+3.12--
S4 - Consumers and end- users+1.32<+1.60 +3.40+0.90+1.08+0.70+0.25
G1 - Business conduct+2.29<+2.88 +2.50+1.05+2.44+2.50+2.37