Sumitomo Electric

Sumitomo Electric

Community score

-0.27 -55
Industry: Automotive Parts
Listing country: Japan
Year added: 2018

Founded in 1897, Sumitomo Electric operates from its headquarters located in Osaka, Japan. As a diversified conglomerate, the company has pivotal business segments, including Automotive, Infocommunications, Electronics, Environment & Energy, and Industrial Materials. Sumitomo Electric is recognized as the primary brand under which it markets a variety of products, with potential sub-brands targeting different segments and regions. The company's global operations extend to a vast market, with Japan, the United States, China, and Europe being some of the most important regions for its product and service distribution. The company's reach is truly international, catering to a diverse client base across Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. (Powered by AI)

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