Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group

Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group

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-1.05 -55
Industry: Chemicals
Listing country: China
Year added: 2022

Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group, incorporated in 1993, is headquartered in Dongying, Shandong Province, China. The company is active in the chemical industry with operations that span multiple business segments. These include the production of organic chemical materials, specialty chemicals, lithium battery electrolyte solutions, and fine chemicals. While it serves the domestic market in China, Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group also has an international presence, exporting products to various countries globally. Specific brands associated with the company's products and key export countries are not detailed in the available information. (Powered by AI)

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Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group

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