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-0.54 -55
Industry: Packaged Food
Listing country: Norway
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 1654, the company with headquarters in Oslo, Norway has become a significant player in various business segments including Branded Consumer Goods, Food Ingredients, Personal Care, Cleaning Solutions, and Hydro Power. The portfolio of their well-recognized brands encompasses Grandiosa, Pierre Robert, Jordan, KiMs, Nidar, Lilleborg, Orkla Foods, and Orkla Confectionery & Snacks. These brands have not only established a formidable presence in the domestic market of Norway but also have a robust footprint across Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Baltic countries, and selected Central and Eastern European countries. Moreover, the company has a stake in the personal care segment within India through subsidiaries such as MTR Foods and Orkla Health, indicating a strategic expansion in international markets. (Powered by AI)

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