Micro-Tech Nanjing Co Ltd

Micro-Tech Nanjing Co Ltd

Community score

-0.31 -55
Industry: Medical Technology and Equipment
Listing country: China
Year added: 2022

Micro-Tech Nanjing Co Ltd, incorporated in 2000, is a prominent player in the medical device industry, specializing in the realm of endoscopy. Situated in Nanjing, within the Jiangsu Province of China, the company has established a strong foothold in both the domestic and international markets. With a focus on endoscopic devices and accessories, Micro-Tech Nanjing has honed its expertise in developing tools for gastroenterology and pulmonology, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment within these critical areas of medicine. Their offerings extend to non-vascular stents, particularly for use in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as disposable biopsy forceps, which are integral for conducting tissue sample collection during endoscopic procedures. Operating primarily under the Micro-Tech brand, the company's diverse array of products is well-regarded. It is important to note that the precise list of brands and sub-brands under the Micro-Tech umbrella can be dynamic, as it is likely influenced by ongoing marketing initiatives and product innovations. With a sales network that stretches beyond China, Micro-Tech Nanjing has made a global impact. The company delivers its highly specialized medical devices to numerous countries around the world, with significant markets spanning the United States, Europe, Asia, and other regions where there is a steady demand for advanced endoscopic medical devices. (Powered by AI)

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