

Community score

-1.46 -55
Industry: Apparel
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 1998, the company, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, engages primarily in the business of lifestyle-inspired athletic apparel and accessories. The company's major business segments include women's and men’s clothing, along with a significant range of accessories. Lululemon Athletica stands as the company's primary brand, renowned for its quality and innovation in the active wear industry. While Lululemon Athletica has a global presence, the United States, Canada, China, Australia, and the United Kingdom are key markets where its products and services are sold. Sales in these countries play a vital role in contributing to the company's overall global revenue. Despite operating in several other countries, the aforementioned markets are particularly important for the brand's financial success. (Powered by AI)

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