Liberty Media

Liberty Media

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+0.33 -55
Industry: Media & Entertainment
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Liberty Media Corporation, incorporated in 1991 and headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, oversees operations through key segments such as the Braves Group, which consists of the Atlanta Braves Major League Baseball club and its real estate ventures. Its Formula One Group is involved in Formula One and other motorsport businesses, while the SiriusXM Group provides satellite radio services via Sirius XM Holdings Inc. Under Liberty Media, important brands and subsidiaries include the Atlanta Braves, Formula 1, and SiriusXM. The company's market presence is particularly significant in the United States due to the operations of SiriusXM and the base of the Atlanta Braves. Meanwhile, Liberty Media's influence spans globally through Formula 1 events held in numerous countries, attracting an international fanbase and reaching diverse markets through associated media services. (Powered by AI)

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Liberty Media

A World Health Organisation (WHO) report recommends listening to audio for 1 hour a day to protect hearing1. As per a survey, 98% of radio consumers listen to the radio in their cars while commuting2. As of 2023, 92% of Americans (272 Million (Mn)...

Umer Farooq L. April 12th, 2024
18 ratings
Liberty Media

To ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded by taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. Corporate taxes accounted for...

Alex O. November 20th, 2023
14 ratings
Liberty Media

The media is incredibly important in keeping people informed and entertained1,7. Nowadays, we are able to find out the most recent news and current events by only turning on the radio or television or by checking the internet1,2. As of 2023, 5.36 ...

Bayonle B. October 10th, 2023
18 ratings
Liberty Media

In 2022, 3.32 billion people were employed globally1. Job creation assists society in many ways, such as eliminating poverty and bringing economic stability that eventually leads to new taxpayers2. It also gives opportunities for personal growth a...

Oyelakin M. September 12th, 2023
16 ratings
Liberty Media

Minority groups often face poor job prospects in terms of wage, job quality, and opportunity for career advancement1. Increasing minority representation improves their economical and psychological health conditions2. In the US Internet publishing ...

SC_Neriah S. June 27th, 2023
12 ratings
Liberty Media

The representation of both men and women employees in the range of 40% to 60% is important to ensure gender parity, as per the ILO1;pxii. Female underrepresentation leads to an unequal share of economic growth benefits2. Furthermore, equality help...

SC_Neriah S. April 20th, 2023
44 ratings
Liberty Media

In 2021, global GHG emissions amounted to 40.8 billion tonnes (t) of CO2e1;p11. To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, from 2020 to 2030, annual GHG reductions of 7.6% are required2. The rapid increase in the emission of greenhouse gases is cau...

Adedayo _. September 5th, 2023
18 ratings

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