Hikma Pharmaceuticals

Hikma Pharmaceuticals

Community score

+0.40 -55
Industry: Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals
Listing country: United Kingdom
Year added: 2018

Founded in 1978 and headquartered in London, United Kingdom, Hikma Pharmaceuticals has cemented its presence as a significant player in the pharmaceutical industry. Operating with a focus on three principal business segments: Generics, Injectables, and Branded products, Hikma has positioned itself as a notable entity in these categories. While it is common for pharmaceutical companies to hold an extensive portfolio of product offerings, Hikma distinguishes itself, frequently marketing its diverse range of products under the notable Hikma brand. Strategically, the company places significant emphasis on the markets of the United States, the Middle East, and North Africa. The United States market, in particular, stands out for its considerable demand for Hikma's generics and injectables. (Powered by AI)

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Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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Hikma Pharmaceuticals
Hikma Pharmaceuticals
Hikma Pharmaceuticals
Hikma Pharmaceuticals

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