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-0.17 -55
Industry: Waste Management
Listing country: Canada
Year added: 2022

GFL Environmental Inc., established in 2007, has its headquarters situated in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. The company primarily conducts its operations under the trademark "GFL," which stands for Green For Life, and is a key player in the environmental services industry with a focus on three main business segments. The first category is Solid Waste Management, which entails the collection, transportation, transfer, recycling, and disposal of non-hazardous solid waste. This service caters to a diverse clientele including municipal, residential, commercial, and industrial customers. In the realm of Infrastructure and Soil Remediation, the company offers services aimed at remediating contaminated soils. This segment also encompasses various complementary services such as civil engineering, excavation, and shoring engineering. The third significant segment is Liquid Waste Management, covering the spectrum of collection, transportation, processing, recycling, and disposal of both hazardous and non-hazardous liquid waste. GFL Environmental Inc. provides these environmental solutions across two major markets, delivering their products and services to customers within Canada and the United States. (Powered by AI)

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