Bread Financial Holdings

Bread Financial Holdings

Community score

+0.94 -55
Industry: Consumer Finance
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Bread Financial Holdings, an American corporation originally established in 1996 as Alliance Data Systems Corporation, specializes in data-driven marketing, loyalty, and payment solutions. Located in Columbus, Ohio, Bread Financial focuses its operations on the direct marketing and credit services sectors. It is known for offering payment solutions, particularly through private label and co-branded credit card programs, installment lending, marketing services, and loyalty programs. Previously under the Alliance Data banner, the company supported various brands, including Comenity, linked to its credit card segment. With its rebranding to Bread Financial, the brand associations may have evolved. The United States remains the principal market for Bread Financial's products and services, catering predominantly to the American financial and consumer sectors. (Powered by AI)

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Bread Financial Holdings
Bread Financial Holdings
Bread Financial Holdings

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