

Community score

-0.83 -55
Industry: Industrial Machinery & Equipment
Listing country: Germany
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 2006, the Kion Group is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The company operates in two primary business segments: Industrial Trucks & Services, including a variety of lift trucks and warehouse handling equipment, and Supply Chain Solutions, focusing on technology and software for supply chain automation and warehouse operations. The group's prominent brands include Linde Material Handling, which provides an extensive range of material handling equipment; STILL, known for its electric trucks and intralogistics systems; Dematic, a leader in supply chain automation and logistics solutions; Baoli, offering economic IC and electric forklift trucks; and Fenwick, France's largest material handling equipment supplier and part of Linde Material Handling. Kion Group has a significant market presence globally, with key markets comprising Germany, the United States, China, France, and Italy. Additionally, the company has a substantial footprint in other parts of Europe, Asia, and the Americas, underscoring its international reach in the products and services it provides. (Powered by AI)

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