Japan Tobacco

Japan Tobacco

Community score

-1.70 -55
Industry: Tobacco
Listing country: Japan
Year added: 2018

Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) was established in 1985 and has its headquarters situated in Tokyo, Japan. JT operates primarily within three key business sectors: Tobacco, Pharmaceutical, and Processed Food. Among its portfolio of brands, notable ones include Winston, Camel, Mevius (formerly known as Mild Seven), LD, Logic (an e-cigarette brand), and Ploom (which offers heat-not-burn products). With a global presence, Japan Tobacco markets its products in a multitude of countries. It has a significant presence in its home country Japan and extends its reach to Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, various nations within the European Union, and other markets scattered across the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, and Africa. (Powered by AI)

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