Incitec Pivot

Incitec Pivot

Community score

-2.90 -55
Industry: Chemicals
Listing country: Australia
Year added: 2018

Incitec Pivot Limited, incorporated in 2003, is a multinational corporation with its headquarters based in Southbank, Victoria, Australia. The company is engaged in two primary segments: explosives and fertilizers. Incitec Pivot's expertise in the explosives sector is represented through Dyno Nobel, a global leader in commercial explosives and blasting systems. In the fertilizers sector, the company operates under the brand Incitec Pivot Fertilisers, recognized as a major supplier of fertilizers in Australia. Incitec Pivot Limited has a significant presence in Australia, the United States, Canada, and various Asia-Pacific countries, catering to a diverse market with its range of explosives and fertilizer products and services. (Powered by AI)

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Incitec Pivot

Chemicals are present in many products used in everyday life1. These play a crucial role in humanity by enabling food cultivation, preventing and curing diseases, and producing goods1. Chemical fertilizers are essential to secure the global food s...

Ajay A. March 10th, 2024
16 ratings
Incitec Pivot

As of 2017 (latest data available), the world generated around 20 billion (Bn) tonnes (t) of waste, estimated to increase and reach 46 Bn t by 20501;fig2. Industrial hazardous waste is noxious for the environment2. Poor waste management causes air...

Deborah D. February 21st, 2024
30 ratings
Incitec Pivot

Globally, over 190 Million (Mn) tonnes (t) of fertilizer is used on crops yearly1. Nitrogen(N)  fertilizers accounts for 56%, Phosphate (P) 24% & potash (K) 19%1.The runoff of chemicals from fertilizers into lakes & oceans causes Dead Zones (Hypox...

Ifeoluwa I. December 28th, 2023
20 ratings
Incitec Pivot

Discrimination in the labor market reduces opportunities for marginalized groups and squanders human potential, hindering economic development1,2. Increased minority representation improves their health and socioeconomic status2. In Australia, ind...

Ajay A. November 7th, 2023
14 ratings
Incitec Pivot

About 785 million (Mn) people do not have access to basic drinking water services1, while 2.7 Billion (Bn) people are experiencing water scarcity at least a month in a year2. The world's total water demand is 4,600 Bn m3 at present3. Prolonged wat...

Kanak _. October 31st, 2023
44 ratings
Incitec Pivot

In order to ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded through taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. Corporate taxes...

Damola D. October 26th, 2023
14 ratings
Incitec Pivot

In 2022, about 3.4 billion people were employed globally1. Job creation boosts the economy, and provides financial stability and personal growth2. Employment also reduces poverty and crime2. Workers earning fair wages are more socially engaged, mo...

Damola D. August 4th, 2023
20 ratings
Incitec Pivot

According to the WHO, air pollution kills an estimated 7 million people worldwide annually1. The reports reveal that 9/10 people breathe highly polluted air1. The air emissions from industries contain many harmful substances, such as nitrous oxide...

Joyleen C. January 29th, 2024
14 ratings
Incitec Pivot

As of 2021, 50 Million (Mn) people live in modern slavery, out of which 28 Mn are in forced labor1. Around 2.3 million (Mn) workers worldwide suffer work-related injuries yearly, corresponding to over 6,000 work-related deaths every day2. Of the t...

Ajay A. May 26th, 2023
22 ratings
Incitec Pivot

As per the ILO, to be gender-balanced, an organization needs 40-60% of either gender1;p12. Increasing women's participation in the workforce increases female purchasing power, equality in family relationships, and female entrepreneurship2Convers...

Renu R. December 8th, 2023
26 ratings

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