Genesis Energy Ltd

Genesis Energy Ltd

Community score

-1.84 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities
Listing country: New Zealand
Year added: 2022

Genesis Energy Ltd, incorporated in 1999, is a prominent energy company based in Auckland, New Zealand with operations segmented into retail energy, wholesale energy, and generation. As one of New Zealand's largest energy providers, the company delivers electricity, natural gas, and LPG to both residential and commercial sectors through its retail energy business. It also engages in the trading and supply of electricity and gas in the wholesale market. Through its diversified portfolio, Genesis Energy Ltd owns and operates thermal and renewable generation assets. The company's key brands include Genesis and Energy Online. Genesis serves as the primary brand for its retail and generation services, while Energy Online caters to residential customers with online electricity and gas services. Focused on New Zealand's market, Genesis Energy Ltd maintains its substantial operations locally without a significant international footprint. (Powered by AI)

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